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Ecosystem-based Conservation Training

On 13-16 January 2018, a Site Conservation Thematic Training was organized by the Penabulu and Burung Indonesia Foundation, with funding support from the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF). The event was attended by members of the Wallacea Partnership Program namely Perkumpulan Sampiri, IDEP Selaras Alam, IMUNITAS, Perkumpulan Wallacea, Fakultas Kehutanan UNANDA, Fakultas Perikanan UNANDA, Yayasan Bumi Sawerigading, Perkumpulan Payo-Payo, Balang Institute, Rainforest Alliance, Perkumpulan Salanggar, Universitas Halmahera, AMAN Maluku Utara, YPPM, KKI, Yakines, Yayasan Tunas Jaya, KSP, WTM, Yayasan Ayu Tani Mandiri, Yayasan Tananua Flores, and IBSCD.

Various activities were conducted in the training, including bird watching at Wae Sano Village in West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The participants, which mostly were community empowerment activists, very enthusiastically joined the occasion. They gathered early in the morning and confirmed the observation trail before walking around the village and nearby forest to find the birds, and later discuss the result. The approach using birds was expected to make it easier for the participants to understand the vast and complex concept of biodiversity.

In addition to bird observation techniques, theoretically, participants also gained an understanding of the species conservation status that applied to birds or other taxa in Indonesia. According to IUCN, the status categories are ranging from Extinct (EX) or declared extinct, to Least Concern (LC) or Low Risk of extinction.

Important Bird Areas (IBA) and Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) were also introduced to participants. Currently, Indonesia has 228 IBAs which are identified according to criteria and indicators set by Birdlife International. This prioritization has been started since 1994 and has been widely adopted by various parties at the international level as the basis for prioritizing other important areas for biodiversity, such as AZE and KBA.

KBA is the approach used by the Wallacea Partnership Program to intervene in conservation action in 251 terrestrial KBAs and 140 marine KBAs. KBA is not a legal boundary in the management of conservation areas, but an imaginary boundary to facilitate the management of biodiversity conservation.

Monitoring the conservation area is also important for maintaining the IBAs and KBAs. So far, we have been using the KBA monitoring form which has proved to be useful in the process of collecting data on regional changes. To make monitoring even easier, Burung Indonesia has been developing the ODK Collect application, an android-based regional monitoring device. The application will not only be reducing the use of paper, but also saving time and energy of database compiling. The features developed on the application are expected to facilitate the process of monitoring the partners’ working areas. [DEN]

Berbagai kemudahan itu diharapkan akan memudahkan proses pemantauan kawasan dimana mitra bekerja. Saat ini, aplikasi ini masih dalam pengembangan; momen pelatihan sekaligus digunakan untuk melakukan pengecekan ulang dan mendapatkan masukan dari peserta tentang penggunaan di lapangan nantinya.

Pelatihan ini diorganisir oleh Yayasan Penabulu dan Burung Indonesia dengan dukungan pendanaan dari Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), berlangsung pada 13-16 Januari 2018 dan dihadiri oleh para mitra Program Kemitraan Wallacea seperti Perkumpulan Sampiri, IDEP Selaras Alam, IMUNITAS, Perkumpulan Wallacea, Fakultas Kehutanan UNANDA, Fakultas Perikanan UNANDA, Yayasan Bumi Sawerigading, Perkumpulan Payo-Payo, Balang Institute, Rainforest Alliance, Perkumpulan Salanggar, Universitas Halmahera, AMAN Maluku Utara, YPPM, KKI, Yakines, Yayasan Tunas Jaya, KSP, WTM, Yayasan Ayu Tani Mandiri, Yayasan Tananua Flores, dan IBSCD. (DEN)


Program Kemitraan Wallacea merupakan program kemitraan yang dilaksanakan oleh Burung Indonesia atas dukungan Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) untuk meningkatkan kapasitas dan peran organisasi masyarakat sipil dalam pelestarian keragaman hayati di kawasan biogeografi Wallacea
