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Protecting Biodiversity in Mount Patuha

Burung Indonesia has just signed a cooperation agreement with PT Geo Dipa Energi Unit Patuha on 27 February 2020. The signing of the cooperation was carried out by the Executive Director of Burung Indonesia, Dian Agista, and General Manager of PT Geo Dipa Energi-Patuha Unit, Idham Purnomo. PT Geo Dipa Energi is a State-Owned Enterprise which is engaged in the business of managing geothermal energy. This company operates in one of the forest areas of Mount Patuha.

The agreement was made to manage the landscape on Mount Patuha, which has important biodiversity. This collaboration also enables forest and biodiversity conservation efforts in the area to be carried out collaboratively and sustainably. Burung Indonesia and PT Geo Dipa Energi-Patuha Unit are committed to developing the capacity of the community who are mostly active in agriculture. Both also put efforts in building public awareness of the importance of preserving biodiversity around them. The biodiversity survey on western part of Java, including Mount Patuha which has been surveyed in prior, is still being carried out.

Burung Indonesia saat ini masih terus melanjutkan survei keanekaragaman hayati di hutan pegunungan Jawa bagian barat, termasuk Gunung Patuha yang telah disurvei sebelumnya. Sementara itu, PT Geo Dipa Energi merupakan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak dalam usaha pengelolaan energi panas bumi. Perusahaan ini beroperasi di salah satu kawasan hutan Gunung Patuha.

Referring to the regulations in Indonesia, the 19 species mentioned above are classified as protected species. Referring to the status of global extinction, there are several endangered species such as the Javan Hawk-eagle, Greater Green Leafbird, Leopard, Surili, and Javan Trogon.
