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Halmahera Island is the largest island in the Maluku archipelago located in North Maluku Province. It is divided into six regencies with a total land area of 17,780 km2, forming a large peninsula which is mostly covered by natural forest. The highest peak is at an altitude of 1,560 meters above sea level. Forest cover is dominated by secondary and primary forests, stretching to form hills and lowlands. Aketajawe Lolobata National Park, a conservation area on Halmahera Island, is divided into two forest block areas namely Aketajawe and Lolobata forest blocks.

The people on this island consist of various ethnic groups, including Tobelo, Ternate, Tidore, Makian, Bugis, Buton, Sangihe, Minahasa, Sundanese, and Javanese. Many of them live in coastal areas. The potential natural resources used as the main source of livelihood by the village community are coconut, nutmeg, cloves, and wood. In the industrial sector, nickel and gold have the greatest mineral potential.

Halmahera Island is home to 252 species of birds, including 26 endemic species of North Maluku, of which four can only be found on Halmahera Island, namely the Drummer Rail, Sombre Kingfisher, Halmahera Oriole, and Halmahera Cicadabird..

The uniqueness of its biodiversity made Alfred Rusell Wallace, who visited Halmahera and its satellite islands in the 19th century, be inspired by the adaptations and origins of species diversity which became the forerunner of the theory of the evolution of living things.

Main Activities
  • Survei populuasi burung paruh bengkok.

    Survei Populasi
  • Peningkatan komitmen multipihak dalam penegakan hukum perdagangan satwa liar.

    Forum multipihak
  • Kampanye publik dan anak muda terkait paruh bengkok.

    Kampanye publik
  • Peningkatan mata pencaharian masyarakat melalui praktik pertanian organik di lahan pekarangan.

    Pertanian berkelanjutan
    • Pemerintah telah memberikan status perlindungan untuk semua jenis burung paruh bengkok. Pelibatan kaum muda menjadi penting karena mereka yang akan menjadi pemimpin masa mendatang, mendorong dan melakukan perubahan.

      Yang Muda Melawan Kepunahan