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Birds: A Mythical Animal

It must be admitted that birds are an example of an animal that is very close to human life. So close are birds to humans that many aspects of human life are associated with bird activities. In short, the activities of birds can be used as symbols or signs

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The Origins of Bird Domestication

All food commodities, both plant and animal, originate from nature and are developed by humans through the process of breeding. Crops, vegetables, fruits, and livestock including poultry, originally came from wild species. Here are the origins of domestication of some

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Life and Death Rivalry between Megapode and Komodo Dragons

The Orange-footed Scrubfowl (Megapodius reinward), which belongs to the Megapodiidae family, has a unique way of hatching its eggs. Unlike most birds that incubate their eggs to hatch, this bird instead buries its eggs in soil or sand to hatch due to the heat in the soil.

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Keeping the Urban Birds alive

Pekarangan rumah menjadi salah satu benteng terakhir bagi kehidupan burung-burung di perkotaan. Dengan semakin berkurangnya pepohonan dan habitat alami di tengah kota, taman dan pekarangan rumah menjadi pilihan utama bagi burung untuk singgah. Namun, tidak

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Javan Hawk-eagle: The Sky Lord of Java Island

Elang jawa (Nisaetus bartelsi) adalah burung endemis Pulau Jawa yang karismatik dengan jambul yang khas. Matanya berwarna kuning dengan paruh melengkung berujung tajam, serta kaki berbulu dan cakar kokoh yang siap menerkam mangsanya. Panjang tubuhnya

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Woodpecker's Shockproof Head

Burung pelatuk adalah salah satu contoh luar biasa dari kehebatan alam dalam menciptakan adaptasi yang luar biasa. Burung ini berasal dari suku Picidae dan tersebar luas di seluruh dunia kecuali Australia, Selandia Baru, Madagaskar, dan

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Banggai Crow: Hundreds of Years of Being Unseen

Pada 2005, IUCN menempatkan spesies gagak endemis dari Banggai Kepulauan sebagai spesies terancam punah kategori Kritis (Critically Endangered/CR) hanya berdasarkan dua spesimen yang dikoleksi pada tahun 1884-1885. Status keterancaman ini meningkat dari kategori sebelumnya, Genting

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Banggai Islands, Wallacea's Little Atlantis

Banggai Islands (Bangkep), directly adjacent to Tomini Bay, sometimes go unnoticed. The islands, which are 97 percent dominated by karst ecosystems, have very rich biodiversity values. In fact, Banggai Islands is one of the areas included in the Coral Triangle.

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