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Program Gorontalo


Paguat Popayato Landscape is located in Pohuwato and Boalemo Regencies with an area of 354,237.78 Ha. This landscape consists of hills and mountains dominated by natural forests with the status of protected forest areas, production forests, limited production forests, and conservation areas. The east-north-west part of the landscape includes the Nantu Wildlife Sanctuary and the Marisa Protection Forest, while to the south lies the Panua Nature Reserve and the Randangan Protected Forest.

The forest complex in Popayato-Paguat consists of nine protected forest blocks with a total area of 257,000 hectares, providing an important function as a connecting area between two conservation forest areas: Nantu Wildlife Sanctuary and Panua Nature Reserve. It also an important water catchment area for a number of rivers that cross the landscape, namely the Taluditi, Buhu, Wanggahulu rivers that flow into the Randangan River, and the Moliliulo, Buntaya and Paguyaman rivers that flow into the Paguyaman River.

A biodiversity survey conducted by Burung Indonesia in 2021 recorded 175 bird species, 24 mammals, 52 herpetofauna, and 349 flora species inhabiting the landscape. The Popayato Paguat Landscape is also a habitat for endemic animals such as the Knobbed Hornbill, Sulawesi Hornbill, Lowland and Mountain Anoas, Spectral Tarsier, Sulawesi Babirusa and Maleo.

The majority of the population live as farmers, with the main commodities being coconut, corn and cocoa, while some other people raise cattle, goats, ducks, pigs. In general, these two sectors are sufficient to support the community, but their potential still needs to be developed to improve welfare, for example through social forestry and ecotourism.

Main Activities
  • Pengelolaan bentang alam produktif berkelanjutan

    Bentang alam
  • Kewirausahaan konservasi melalui pengembangan komoditas kakao fermentasi

    Kewirausahaan konservasi
  • Penyadartahuan anak sekolah

    • Bentang Alam Popayato-Paguat, Gorontalo, merupakan koridor penting bagi keanekaragaman hayati khas Sulawesi. Dua kawasan konservasi yakni Cagar Alam Panua di sisi barat dan Suaka Margasatwa Nantu di sisi timur serta delapan blok hutan lindung terhubung satu sama lain dalam bentang alam ini.

      Benteng Kehati Gorontalo
    • Para petani di Desa Mekarti Jaya di Kabupaten Pohuwato, Gorontalo, telah menjadi bagian dari inisiatif konservasi baru yang berupaya mengangkat mereka dari jurang kemiskinan sekaligus melindungi hutan Randangan yang hijau.

      Cokelat Ini Melindungi Burung
    • Kegiatan survei keanekaragaman hayati dan pendidikan konservasi di Bentang Alam Popayato-Paguat, Gorontalo.

      Pendidikan Konservasi di Gorontalo