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Press Release: Enjoying the Presence of Birds in Urban Areas

As agents of pollination, insect pest control and seed dispersal, birds are important for sustainability of natural ecosystems in the urbans. The presence of birds in urban areas is one indicator of good environmental quality. But, in the midst of busy urban life in Indonesia, how many people are aware of their presence or even recognize the birds around them?

Enjoying the presence of birds in the middle of green open spaces is the first step to appreciate and maintain the quality of the natural environment in urban areas while getting to know the diversity of birds in it. Not many people realize that it is not only sparrows and bulbuls that they encounter in their daily lives.

Therefore, every year Burung Indonesia always invites the general public to participate in celebrating the diversity of birds in Indonesia through various activities. This year’s main theme is “Birds Around Us”. The aim was to invite communities to recognize and protect wild birds and their habitats in urban areas.

“The ordinary Parakeets with beautiful feathers, the Coppersmith Barbet wearing a thin moustache, the noisy Collared Kingfisher, the timid Blue-eared Kingfisher and dozens of other bird species are all around us. These types can be easily found in city parks and green open spaces that have good environmental quality,” said Dian Agista, the Executive Director of Burung Indonesia, at the event which was held in Bogor Botanical Garden on Saturday, 25 August 2018.

In the series of events of Celebrating Bird Diversity in Indonesia, Burung Indonesia organized some activities namely birdwatching, wildlife photography, and a series of discussions on bird conservation efforts at the urban level, the benefits of urban farming for nature conservation, and the contribution of bird watching and photography activities with conservation value. This activity, which was held in collaboration with the Bogor Botanical Gardens, Indonesia Wildlife Photography, Eiger Indonesia, and, aimed to introduce activities in which the community can channel their interest in various types of wild birds in a sustainable way.

The participants of birdwatching and wildlife photography hunted as much as possible of their objects by walking around the Botanical Garden. Birdwatching and wildlife photography are alternative activities with conservation value that have not been widely carried out by the general public in Indonesia.

“This kind of activity is full of high recreational value. To see how the unique behavior of birds in its natural habitat, seeing the richness of its variety, appreciating the beauty of the sound and their physical appearance are a good source of inner strength for urban people who are in busy and tiring daily activities,” said Chairman of the Burung Indonesia Council, Ani Mardiastuti.

In addition to the three main activities, visitors of Bogor Botanical Garden—especially children—can participate in the Bird Painting on Tote Bag activity, which is to directly paint various types of birds on canvas bags. Meanwhile, there are various other interesting activities carried out by visitors in the midst of the beautiful and warm urban environment of Bogor City.



Tea Marlini Chandra
Communication Manager


Muhammad Meisa
Communication & Publication Officer



Burung Indonesia adalah organisasi nirlaba dengan nama lengkap Perhimpunan Pelestarian Burung Liar Indonesia yang menjalin kemitraan dengan BirdLife International. Burung Indonesia mengarahkan fokus pekerjaan pada pelestarian jenis-jenis burung yang terancam punah dan habitatnya, termasuk berbagai jenis paruh bengkok yang banyak ditangkap dan diperdagangkan secara ilegal.
