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Finding the Strategic Location for Ecosystem Restoration in Production Forests

Ecosystem Restoration Timber Forest Products Utilization (IUPHHK-RE) is a business permit granted to develop areas in natural forests in production areas that have important ecosystems. Based on PP 6/2007 jo. PP 3/2008, ecosystem restoration in production forests is an effort to maintain the function and representation of natural forest ecosystems through maintenance, protection and restoration of forest ecosystems.

Kegiatan IUPHHK-RE, sesuai kebijakan tersebut, bertujuan untuk mengembalikan unsur hayati (flora dan fauna) serta non-hayati (tanah, iklim dan topografi) pada suatu kawasan kepada jenis asli, sehingga tercapai keseimbangan hayati dan ekosistemnya.

There are many opinions that the ecosystem restoration policy in production forests has the opportunity to maintain connectivity of natural forest landscapes, support biodiversity conservation, develop multi-product and service businesses, maintain a variety of forest benefits for the wider community, and reduce deforestation rates and carbon emissions from production forests.

Strategi penentuan lokasi, baik posisi di dalam lansekap maupun kondisi areal calon IUPHHHK-RE, menjadi penting dan menentukan terwujudnya potensi manfaat IUPHHK-RE. Namun, saat ini lokasi yang dicadangkan untuk pengembangan IUPHHK-RE seringkali masih tidak strategis jika mempertimbangkan potensi manfaatnya di dalam lansekap. Selain itu, areal yang dicadangkan cenderung terpisah-pisah dalam luasan-luasan yang sulit dikelola, serta belum memperhitungkan potensi untuk pengembangan usaha berbasis bukan kayu dan jasa lingkungan

Oleh karenanya, Burung Indonesia bekerja sama dengan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Balitbang) Kehutanan menggelar diskusi kelompok terfokus (Focus Group Discussion – FGD) mengenai “Kriteria Penentuan Lokasi Strategis bagi IUPHHK-RE di Hutan Produksi”. Kegiatan dilaksanakan Rabu, 27 Maret 2014 di Ruang Rapat R. Soediarto, Balitbang Kehutanan, Bogor.

This one-day discussion was expected to produce the rationale and criteria for determining the ideal location for the Ecosystem Restoration Timber Forest Product Utilization Business Permit (IUPHHK-RE) and a policy recommendation for determining strategic locations for IUPHHK-RE which is in line with the objectives and concepts of ecosystem-based forest management, as mandated in Law no. 41/1999.

Menyadari pentingya memperkuat kebijakan restorasi ekosistem, Burung Indonesia tetap konsisten mengembangkan kerja sama dengan para pihak, termasuk Balitbang Kehutanan untuk memberikan masukan dalam memperkuat instrumen kebijakan.*
