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Press Release: The Impact of Protected Animals List Updates for the Bird’s Conservation Efforts

Bogor (11/08) – The Ministry of Environment and Forestry has officially revoked and declared the Appendix to Government Regulation Number 7 of 1999 concerning the Preservation of Plant and Animal Species not valid. The appendix was later replaced by Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number P.20/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/6/2018 concerning Determination of Protected Plant and Animal Species.

After receiving a recommendation from LIPI as a scientific authority, in the latest appendix there is a change in the status of protected plant and animal species from being protected to unprotected and vice versa. Based on the attachment, birds are the most widely included species on the protected list. A total of 562 bird species, or about 31.73% of the total 1771 bird species in Indonesia, are included in the list. In the previous list, only 437 bird species were protected. In addition, 27 out of the total 28 species (or 98%) in Indonesia with critical status (Critically Endangered/CR based on the IUCN Red List) have also been included in the list, while in the previous list only accommodates 64% species.

According to Jihad, Burung Indonesia's Mainstreaming Biodiversity Officer on Saturday 11 August 2018, the new regulation is more actual in displaying the condition of wild plant and animal species with a sharp decline in the number of individuals in nature due to changes in threats and population decline. It is also more accommodating newly discovered endemic species.

“This regulation has covered bird species that are currently experiencing a very rapid trend of population decline in nature due to heavy trading, such as all types of Leafbirds (Chloropseidae) and several types of White Eyes (Zosterops avus and Heleia wallacei). In the previous regulation, some species no longer reflect the latest developments in terms of population, threats, and scientific developments," Jihad added.

In addition, because of their rapid population decline, species with small populations (endangered) such as the White Cockatoo (Cacatua alba) and Chattering Lory (Lorius garrulus) are included in the protection criteria. Species that have a limited distribution, or endemic, are also included in the determination criteria. Morotai Pitta (Pitta morotaiensis), Black-chinned Monarch (Symposiachrus boanensis), as well as several new species originating from the separation process from other species, are known to have very small distribution areas. The utilization of plant and animal species in Indonesia is regulated in Government Regulation Number 8 of 1999 concerning the Utilization of Plant and Animal Species which includes the utilization mechanism, including in captivity.

It’s important to acknowledge that changes in the population of a species in its natural habitat can cause ecological imbalances. For example: the case of the population explosion of the Migratory Locust in 1997-1998 in southern Sumatra, in particular in Lampung Province which suffered the most from the attacks (Sudarsono, 2003). The incident was allegedly caused by the loss of habitat for the Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) which was cleared out for the establishment of a large pond in Lampung. Cattle Egrets are natural predators for Migratory Locust, and their plummeted population implied on the exploding locust population.

All parrot species in Wallacea are protected

The issuance of the Ministerial Regulation No. 20 of 2018 concerning the Protected Plant and Animal Species is very influential on the conservation efforts of parrots in Wallacea, because this regulation includes all types of parrots on protected list. This is a major step towards reducing the hunting and trade threat to various types of parrots in Wallacea. Law enforcement and consistent dissemination are the emphasized aspects of parrot conservation activities so that the public is aware of this protection status change.

The inclusion of White Cockatoo (Cacatua alba) and Chattering Lory (Lorius garrulus) on protected list is an example of why the appendix updates need to be adjusted to the latest conditions of plant and wildlife species, such as threat changes and population decline. The two species are endemic to North Maluku and the population has been on sharp decline due to poaching and trading.

Other priority animal species in Wallacea that are included in the list are the Roti Snake-necked Turtle (Chelodina mccordi), Obi Island Birdwing (Ornithoptera aesacus), Wallace's Golden Birdwing (Ornithoptera croesus), Talaud Black Birdwing (Troides dohertyi), Buru Opalescent Birdwing (Troides prattorum), dan Narrow Sawfish (Anoxypristis cuspidata).


For further information please contact:

Mainstreaming Biodiversity Officer
Telp: 08568290205

Muhammad Meisa
Communication and Publication Officer
Telp: 0838744959024

Ferry Hasudungan
Biodiversity Conservation Specialist
Telp: 08127884852/081519406136


Burung Indonesia adalah organisasi nirlaba dengan nama lengkap Perhimpunan Pelestarian Burung Liar Indonesia yang menjalin kemitraan dengan BirdLife International. Burung Indonesia mengarahkan fokus pekerjaan pada pelestarian jenis-jenis burung yang terancam punah dan habitatnya, termasuk berbagai jenis paruh bengkok yang banyak ditangkap dan diperdagangkan secara ilegal.
