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Timber Legality Verification System in West Manggarai for Sustainable Forest Governance

Timber Legality Verification System (TLVS) is a method that verifies origin traceability of timber which is produced from a forest through a certification scheme. This method allows us to trace from upstream to downstream, covering the legality standards, criteria, verifier, verification method and evaluation norm. It is expected by many parties that the TLVS can be a tool to realize sustainable forest management and better forest governance.

TLVS has been regulated through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. P.30/Menlhk/Setjen/PHPL.3/3/2016 concerning Performance Assessment of Sustainable Production Forest Management and Timber Legality Verification on Permit Holders, Management Rights, or Private Forests. During its development, the regulation underwent several changes. Considering the regulation, TLVS is mandatory to be implemented in all forest management units, including community forests or private forests.

Although it’s mandatory by law, the implementation is far from expected. The application of TLVS on forest governance is rarely practiced by many regencies, including West Manggarai, mostly due to minimum awareness in the eastern part of Indonesia.

For that reason, Burung Indonesia in cooperation with the Mbeliling Committee, also supported by European Union, organized a Focus Group Discussion on the Acceleration of TLVS Implementation in West Manggarai at LaPrima Hotel in Labuan Bajo city on Tuesday (20/03). By disseminating the information and raising common understanding about this system and its process, it was expected that TLVS would soon be implemented in West Manggarai Regency.

Flores Programme Manager of Burung Indonesia, Tiburtius Hani, confirmed this fact.

Teak plantation in Poco Golo Kempo Village, Mbeliling District, West Manggarai Regency.

“One of the objectives of the TLVS is to prevent the practice of illegal logging, as well as to increase the selling value. If it is certified, then access to sales of wood-based products such as furniture will expand," Hani said.

Even though it has been formalized by the Ministry Regulation, TLVS has been through several changes. The Director of Processing and Marketing of Forest Products, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ruie, said that by obtaining TLVS Indonesian timber has been received by European Union countries which only take legal timbers. Therefore, West Manggarai timber also has a great opportunity to become a high-value commodity if it goes through this verification process.

Proses percepatan penerapan SVLK ini pula mendapat dukungan langsung dari Bupati Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Agustinus Ch. Dula. Ia berharap FGD ini menjadi titik awal untuk menguatkan industri kayu di Manggarai Barat. Sebab Manggarai Barat memiliki potensi kayu yang sangat besar. “Pemasaran kayu dapat berjalan baik jika memiliki legalitas dan sertifikasi. Ini adalah langka awal, sebab sistem ini belum diimplementasikan di Mabar,” ujarnya.

FGD ini merupakan bagian dari upaya penguatan peran serta para pihak nonpemerintah dalam tata kelola kehutanan di Indonesia yang diinisiasi oleh kemitraan global BirdLife International melalui pendanaan dari dana hibah Uni Eropa yang diselenggarakan di empat negara yakni Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina dan Papua Nugini.

Salah satu usaha mebel di Kota Labuan Bajo

This project is designed to support the process of monitoring, planning and strengthening forestry policies including the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade-Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT-VPA) initiative and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+).

To follow up the TLVS, which has been applied in Indonesia for 10 years, West Manggarai’s stakeholders agreed to initiate the implementation of the regulation by establishing the Coordination Team for the Acceleration of TLVS Implementation (CTATI). This team is planned to have a secretariat at the office of Regional Planning, Development, Research and Development Agency (RPDSDA) of West Manggarai.

To encourage the initiative to accelerate the implementation of the TLVS, Burung Indonesia plans to make a Memorandum of Understanding with the Regional Government of West Manggarai Regency as a commitment and support of both parties to the implementation of TLVS. This MOU will also serve as the basis for cooperation between the two parties and the formation of CTATI.
