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Momoa, Big Feet from Maluku

The black sand beach in Simau Village in Galela Sub-district, which is located at Halmahera Island in North Maluku Province, has a beautiful view. Besides being surrounded by sea water on three sides, this beach also offers views of the mangrove forest and Mount Dukono in the distance.

Java Green Magpie, the Critical Endemic Bird of Java

ekek-geling-jawaOn September 26-29 2015, 35 ornithologists from various countries gathered at the "First Asian SongBird Trade Summit" to discuss types of songbirds that are threatened by hunting and trade. During the meeting, 27 species of songbirds were identified in the Sunda region (which includes Peninsular Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Bali and Kalimantan) which are threatened by trade. Twelve of them are designated as priority types for conservation action.

Pambadi Guntur, the River Watcher

From below, its body pattern resembles a lollipop. The bill is thick with a bright light blue top and a bright yellow underside. While the throat, chest and stomach blood red with a black necklace around the neck. SEPT_1280_800Dari sisi atas, sempur-hujan sungai justru tampak hitam legam dengan sedikit corak merah pada tunggir dan garis putih pada sayapnya. Corak tubuhnya yang aneka warna dan mencolok itu kontras dengan suaranya yang parau, hampir menyerupai suara tonggeret. Namun, suara kepakan sayapnya terdengar berat laksana guntur. Cocok dengan sebutan masyarakat Dayak untuk Black and Red Broadbill ini yaitu Pambadi Guntur.

Meet the Limboto’s Greater Painted-snipe

Something interesting occured in the event Welcome Birds; Migrating Birds and the Beauty of Limboto Lake on 9 August 2015. The occasion itself was a collaboration event of the Komunitas Untuk Bumi (KUBU/Community for the Earth), Masyarakat Fotografi Gorontalo/MFG (Gorontalo Photography Society), Gorontalo Perupa/Goropa (Gorontalo Artists), Aliansi Jurnalis Independen/AJI (Alliance of Independent Journalists) Gorontalo, Forum Komunitas Hijau/FKH (Green Community Forum) and Japesda.

Bentet Kelabu, Si Jagal Pengintai (Wallpaper Juni 2015)

Penampilannya biasa saja. Tubuh hanya seukuran kutilang dengan didominasi warna putih, cokelat serta hitam dan ekor panjang. Sementara paruhnya tebal dan pendek dengan ujung berkait tetapi tidak berkesan garang. Benten kelabu (Foto: Burung Indonesia/Fahrul Amama)Meskipun demikian, bentet kelabu patut dijuluki sebagai jagal pengintai karena perilakunya. “Burung yang tersebar dari Iran hingga Papua ini gemar menyantap hewan lain. Sebut saja serangga seperti belalang, jangkrik, dan kumbang, hingga kadal, kodok dan burung lain. Jenis burung yang kerap menjadi mangsa burung ini antara lain bondol, perenjak, dan manyar,” ujar Jihad, Bird Conservation Officer Burung Indonesia.